Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Orthopaedic and sports physical therapy is the foundation of our practice at Mission District Therapy. Our focus is to restore and maintain pain free mobility. After an in depth assessment our therapists will develop a detailed treatment program to precisely address joint hypo or hypermobility, muscle imbalances, posture deviations, abnormal movement patterns, and other causes of pain and dysfunction. Gait analysis by our uniquely trained therapists will identify problematic movement patterns which have a negative impact on walking, running and dancing. A key part of rehabilitation is self care and our therapists will provide you with a comprehensive home exercise program to minimize the chance of re-injury and to maximize sports performance.
Many people are unaware of the effect faulty postures have on our overall well being. A detailed posture assessment will precisely identify those habitual postures that contribute to pain, an inability to tolerate sitting or standing and other complications which limit your ability to perform at your highest level whether you are a professional or recreational athlete, musician or dancer. Your therapist will teach your specific corrective exercises to minimize overloading your joints and enhance optimal postures.